Our funding allocation process

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The UK-CGIAR Centre is funded by the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). So far, the UK-CGIAR Centre has allocated £6 million to its commissioned projects.

All UK-CGIAR Centre projects are commissioned through a closed competition process for invited applicants only and these are determined by a careful selection process involving the Centre Secretariat, funders, senior CGIAR representatives, independent reviewers and ultimately the Centre Board. The UK-CGIAR Centre does not accept unsolicited approaches for funding. 

  The Centre’s commissioning model has been designed to:

  • Ensure that UK institutes with a track record of publications in one of the Centre’s research areas are identified and given equal consideration in the process
  • Ensure quality control of applications
  • Ensure the feedback from the independent review panels to applicants is detailed
  • Limit the unnecessary transaction costs associated with open call processes
  • Limit the amount of administration required at the application phase and free-up resources available for the delivery of the science itself.

Successful applicants in 2023 have not been invited to apply again in 2024 to broaden the support to the UK research environment.

For more information about the commissioning process for the UK-CGIAR Centre’s projects, please contact:  info@uk-cgiar.org