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PlantwisePlus in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, two-thirds of rural workers are employed in agriculture, playing an essential role in ensuring food security for the country. However, crop pests have a devastating effect on smallholder yields. In Bangladesh, up to 25% of all crops are lost to pests despite farmers using an estimated 49,000 tonnes of pesticides each year. 

PlantwisePlus is working with partners to empower farmers to use more sustainable crop management processes. Key projects in Bangladesh include the use of a new biocontrol agent to fight fall armyworm and the further training of agricultural officers to help diagnose and remedy plant health problems. 

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Research and publications

An assessment of the invasive species system in Bangladesh

Type Working paper

Published in Working Paper 28

Language English

Year 2022

The Role of Plantwise in Improving Detection and Action on Pest Situations

Type Book chapter

Published in Chapter 14, pp. 245-251. In: Sustainable Management of Invasive Pests in Africa

Language English

Year 2020

Focus countries

Woman farmer in Ghana
Where we work

Learn more about PlantwisePlus

Delivered through gender-sensitive and climate-resilient approaches, PlantwisePlus is tackling the challenges facing smallholder production through three impact pathways: Pest PreparednessPesticide Risk Reduction, and Farmer Advisory.

Pesticide Risk Reduction

Farmer Advisory

Pest Preparedness