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Measuring, evaluating and learning from what we do

PlantwisePlus prioritizes scalability, sustainability, and innovation to ensure lasting positive impact for smallholder communities around the world.

We employ a systematic and robust Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) approach to ensure that we are achieving our intended outcomes, making the most efficient use of resources and contributing to positive change for farmers.

A dedicated team of MEL specialists works closely with biological and social scientists within CABI, partners and country implementation teams to test assumptions and evaluate outcomes and impacts. They monitor progress and measure results against indicators and targets across all levels of the programme.

Students at the College of Agriculture, Science & Education (CASE) in Jamaica.

Building on a strong foundation

CABI and partners have learnt from previous programmes the value of using both quantitative and qualitative methods to ensure that a full range of evidence is captured, as well as a mix of internal and third-party evaluations to ensure impartiality.

Find out more about the impact of our previous programmes and how we measured it below.