Resources and tools to manage invasive species
CABI's range of invasive species knowledge resources and tools have been developed for a variety of users such as environmental managers, researchers, farmers, plant protection officers, and more.
Invasive Species Compendium
CABI's open access Invasive Species Compendium is the only up-to-date encyclopaedic resource that brings together a wide range of science-based information. Find detailed coverage of invasive species threatening livelihoods and the environment worldwide.

Horizon Scanning Tool
CABI's global Action on Invasives programme aims to protect and improve the livelihoods of rural communities through an environmentally sustainable, regional, and cross-sectoral approach to managing invasive species.
Pest Risk Analysis Tool
Pest risk analysis is an evolving and dynamic field. In the past 20 years, countries all over the world have adopted pest risk analysis as a means to inform regulatory decisions for plant protection.

BioProtection Portal
A free tool to help growers and agricultural advisors to identify, source and apply natural pest control. Find biocontrol and biopesticide products available for problematic pests and disease on crops.